Sunday, February 11, 2007

Your Support needed for "Silent revolution by the people of BANGLADESH" .

Dear Friends,

The present care taker government led by Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed by no means a perfect government and free of flaws. However this team of people is by far the most dedicated team who is really making a difference in Bangladesh. We all know no positive changes are sustainable unless this government could stay in power for some time. But what is that time period? Given that Bangladesh is a democratic country
election has to be called and then ?

The solution may lie in calling for a REFERENDUM and let the people of the land decide if they want this care taker government to stay for next four years and really clean house.

If you do agree please pass on this message to all the people you know, via email, fax, telephone, web blogs, media etc. etc.

This may be our last chance to make a difference for our country in a legitimate way. Show your support and lets we all be a part of this. " Silent revolution by the people" . Let us have a referendum and let the people decide.

Thank You.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Requested by: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah PMP
IBM Certified Senior Project Manager
IBM Global Services
TEL:(845)-433-4960, T/L 293-4960, pager: 845 487 3220
Fax (845) 433-2743


soul_is_dancing said...

A silent revolution by the people of Bangladesh!

The above phrase is the highlight of a mass mail going round in the mail boxes of Bangladeshis (via Drishtipat). Although some people are questioning the legitimacy of the mass arrests and the arrest of big fishes without charge sheet people in general are happy with the Caretaker Government's performance. This lists the visible achievements of the CTG so far. The mail even says "this team of people is by far the most dedicated team who is really making a difference in Bangladesh" and even goes beyond asking for consent to have a referendum to make the CTG stay for four years to help them clean the house. The email asks for support and invites all to be a part of this silent revolution by the people. Even the press is also cheering up the cleansing process. This clearly shows that the people are fade up with the corruption in Bangladesh politics and desperately wants a change. But let us not be overwhelmed by the gimmicks. Will the security forces be able to really punish the big fishes with concrete evidence. Will they be able to refrain them from coming out clean and indulge in creating more nuisances? Or are they really punishing some innocents? Shamshir writes in Adda-fication that a short term fix may not be effective as it might actually allow the underlying causes to fester and increase in severity, and may be lead to really bad problems in the long-run that could have been avoided if short-term fixes were declined. He skillfully concludes: If the State of Emergency government is serious about rooting out corruption, then changing the rules of the game might be in order: Resort to due process. Resort to transparency. Realign the frame of reference to the rule of law instead of the arbitrary unchecked power of a few good (or is it appear to be good?) men. I think besides being euphoric we need to move from a point of view to a viewing point -- a higher, more expansive place, from which we can see both sides.

Anik said...

I am personally very happy with the caretaker Govt. Atleast they are giving us a hope for a country with no corruption. Atleast people of my country now can breath and dream for a better place to live.

But in this regard I would like to say that I personally do not want this CTG will rule the country forever.

I want from this CTG to arrange a successful election, the environment for a well accepted election environment.

As we want to keep democracy in Bangladesh it is necessary to have a elected Govt. If this CTG stay longer than then they wish the democracy will face a hard question.

Lets see how long it takes them to clean the country. I bate it wont take long because the current CTG is full of dedicated and patriotic people.

I sallute them and wish for a good election.